By Published On: January 31, 2024

Dear reader,

Welcome to the first 2024 edition of Ask Caroline! I’m here to help you stop doing what you’re supposed to do, and start doing what you’re MEANT to do.

In today’s video I’m answering a letter from a woman I’ll call Robin, who has come to a crossroads in her 50’s and is struggling mightily with her career path.

She’s been through burnout and back, and now she needs to know: “How do I find out what to do next?”

Right now Robin is wrestling with all kinds of job options, then deciding they are all bad ideas.

How can Robin connect with herself, find peace, and discover what to do next?

Press play to my response (or click here to watch in a new tab):

Yours in possibility,

PS – Want YOUR question answered on Ask Caroline? Email me with a specific question and context for your current challenge (a few paragraphs at most).

Possible topics include: finding your purpose, pursuing your path, self-pressure, the weight of expectations, perfectionism, and procrastination.

To protect your privacy I’ll keep all letters anonymous.

Lastly, give written consent for your letter to be read and answered by including this text in your email:

“Caroline Garnet McGraw has my permission to read my letter and respond to it on her website, blog,YouTube channel, and other social media sharing platforms.” (Then type your full name.)

I look forward to hearing from you.

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