Do you want to start a business of your own — one that feels truly on-purpose for you — yet self-doubt and second-guessing are keeping you stuck?
Maybe you’re…
- Reading emails from entrepreneurs you admire, thinking, I wish I could do that
- Capable yet bored at work, wishing you felt confident, excited, and happy
- Riding by on autopilot, tired of feeling like an accessory to everyone else’s life
- Feeling that there’s more you could offer the world, if only you had the chance
- Telling others, “I get paid really well to hate my job” (and then feeling guilty about it)
If so, you’re not alone! More than half of the coaching clients I’ve worked with over the past 6 years started out that way.
Their creative spirits had been hidden away for far too long. Some had brilliant business ideas in their head for ages, but they hadn’t taken action. They yearned for the courage to believe in themselves and begin.
Perhaps you can relate? If so, you’re probably facing at least three significant challenges when it comes to building a business.
–> You’re smart and you have a quick mind. This is great, but it also trips you up. You tend to overthink and over-analyze, and you really like feeling in-control. (Ever spent an hour trying to place a “perfect” Amazon order?)
So when you feel a spark of excitement about your business, your mind gives you a half-dozen reasons why you’re not ready, and you should wait until next year. The desire to move forward wars with the need to get your ducks in a row first.
–> You’ve always been the responsible one. You’re the good daughter, the hard worker, the one who will walk through days of drudgery if you feel it’s the right thing to do. But by now, you’re weary from trying to “have a better life.”
You don’t want to be selfish, but you do want relief. You want to wake up in the morning feeling peaceful and energized, not exhausted and miserable. You’re caught between a strong sense of responsibility and the need for greater freedom.
–> You tend to shy away from the spotlight. Early on, you learned that it was safer to wear an invisibility cloak. But starting a business means putting yourself in a position to be noticed for what you can do.
The thought of being seen brings up every crack in your confidence. It’s hard to accept the fact that putting yourself out there will come with criticism. Since you faced rejection early on, it feels super-risky to be seen now.
You’re not one to blame others, but if you had a highly critical parent who disapproved of your decisions, then you know: it makes it harder to trust yourself. You struggle with the feeling that, “No matter what I do, it’s going to be wrong.”
So how do you start building your business now – not at some mythical future time when you’ll have it all figured out?
In this new free Masterclass, I’ll teach you to use both your smarts AND your scars to your advantage.
Join me on live on Thursday, September 12th from 11am-12pm CDT to begin.
You’ll Learn…
Join LIVE on Thursday, September 12th at 11am CDT
Though I’ve been successfully self-employed for 13 years now, I remember the FEAR that came with starting my business. Fear of failure, and fear of being “found out” as an imposter. Fear of accepting money, and fear of ending up homeless.
And here’s the truth: Fear doesn’t go away just because you make a sale, achieve your goals, or get really good at what you do. Fear is an emotional-level issue – you can’t reason (or resume) your way out of it.
I should know – I’ve built two successful businesses from the ground up: first as a senior copywriter (2011-2018), then as a sought-after coach (2018-present). I’ve given two TEDx talks, and my first book, You Don’t Owe Anyone, has sold over 5000 copies and been translated into three languages.
And, real talk: some days I still feel nervous getting on Zoom!
The good news is, now I have tools to help me address the underlying core issue. I know how to settle into peace, even as I’m doing scary stuff like hosting virtual events with guests like Adam Grant, Gretchen Rubin, and Amy Cuddy.
I share this to reassure you: If you want to start your own business, you do NOT need to wait until you are “brave enough” or “have more courage.” That’s getting it backward! Instead, you grow your courage and bravery starting now. Now is the time to pursue your path and build a life that you love.
In this new free masterclass, I’ll share the exact tools and strategies that have helped me and my coaching clients start our own successful businesses, then we’ll open up for questions. To ask a question in advance, email me at caroline[AT]carolinegarnetmcgraw[DOT]com.
If you can’t attend live, rest assured: registration gets you replay access.