Heal the Overwork Pattern

Wednesday, July 12 at 11 am CDT

A free Masterclass to help you release the weight of expectations, make life easier, and do what lights you up (even when you’re feeling overextended, guilty, and burnt out)

Have you been secretly suffering for years, pushing yourself to live up to expectations as a highly responsible person?

Do you yearn for a lighter, easier life (even though it feels so out of reach)?

Is there at least one job, relationship, or commitment you KNOW is dragging you down, but you just can’t bring yourself to quit?

Join my free masterclass, Heal the Overwork Pattern, to learn how you can release the weight of expectations and actually rest without guilt, so you can do what lights you up!

You’ll Learn…

  • How my “You Don’t Owe Anyone” approach allows you to overcome lifelong patterns of perfectionism, procrastination, and people-pleasing without trying hard
  • How to heal the overwork pattern using powerful, emotional-level healing practices to stop holding yourself to impossible standards and shaming yourself for being human … and instead feel confident, clear, and aligned
  • How to work less and rest more, so that you stop harming your health and actually feel good about getting out of bed in the morning
  • How to set healthy boundaries without feeling horribly guilty, so you can have more balanced, loving relationships with yourself and others
  • How to trust yourself and do the creative work that lights you up (rather than continuing to burn out)

Register here for July 12!

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