How to Find Your Purpose and Passion in Life by Subtracting
The biggest myth about how to find your purpose and passion in life is: I'll get there by adding more to my plate. I'll add new habits, and become massively productive! I'll add new virtues, and become a better mom/wife/sister/friend/human! By adding more, I'll have a better life, then I'll finally be happy. We've run this experiment, though, you and I, and it simply doesn't work. The constant pressure leads to overwhelm, exhaustion, and burnout. But if adding more isn't the solution, what is? How do we build a life that feels meaningful and on-purpose? The secret is subtraction. The...
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Overcoming Perfectionism Gets Easier with This Ancient Practice
Have you ever been enchanted with a story in which the heroine either doesn't know, or doesn't remember, her true identity? (Yes, I get that this is not the typical lead-in to a post on overcoming perfectionism. It's probably pretty weird. But go with me for a minute here.) When I was younger I was fascinated by the animated movie Anastasia. In the (fictional) narrative, Anastasia is a princess who has had amnesia for years. When the movie starts, she's impoverished and alone, with no idea that she's royalty. If you love Harry Potter or The Lion King or even...
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Letting Go of Expectations (Even If You Hate Making People Uncomfortable)
I will never forget the day Nora told me what was really going on. When we first started coaching together, the person I'll call Nora had thousands of emails maxing out her inbox. She was getting close to 400 incoming emails a day. Talk about overwhelm! Nora knew that this mountain of email clutter was holding her back from the peaceful life she wanted. But digging out, deleting, and unsubscribing was hard for her. It meant letting go of expectations, which is hard for all of us helper-types. Have you ever had the thought that you just can't delete emails,...
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Living Authentically, Or Trying to Be Someone You’re Not?
I started leading a double life early on. Starting in elementary school, I needed to be one person at school, and another person at home and at church. (This is not a recipe for living authentically.) The demands of the doomsday cult known as the Worldwide Church of God and the demands of public school were very different, but as a confirmed good girl I did my best in both worlds. But I still remember the day that those worlds collided. Me and my younger brother on the swings, in our church service finery It happened at a...
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How to Stop Being a Perfectionist? Wrong Question.
Here's a wild idea for you: What if you don’t need to stop being a perfectionist? What if "how to stop being a perfectionist" isn't the most helpful question? Here's a better one: "How do I fully love and accept myself, perfectionist part included?" Right now, you may think that if you could just get rid of that perfectionist part, then you would feel better. (There's no shame in that; pretty much everything we do boils down to, "So I can feel better.") The thing is, you will only arrive at a felt sense of being all right when you...
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Live on Purpose (Even When Life Goes Off the Rails)
Whenever I run across one of those productivity-culture articles about how to master your time, gain control of your life, and develop a perfect 5-year plan to live on purpose, I always think about whether or not the author has "been through in it" yet. Have they ever had an unexpected disaster wreck their best-laid plans? Have they ever sat in silence, stunned by a betrayal? Have they ever mourned a devastating loss? If you have, then you know: It changes you. Maybe for you it was losing a loved one through death, divorce, or dementia. Maybe it was a...
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Why Do I Feel Guilty Spending Money?
I used to have so much trouble spending money "just for me." It had nothing to do with how hard I worked, or how much I had in the bank. Back when I was an undergraduate at Vassar College, I worked three jobs, volunteered, and tithed hundreds of dollars to my church...yet I couldn't pull the trigger on a $15 gift for myself. Before I graduated, I wanted to buy a coffee mug from my favorite cafe, but I just couldn't do it. Spending money that way was too anxiety-producing. Why do I feel guilty spending money on myself? I...
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The Root Cause of Perfectionism and How to Heal
I had my first anxiety attack in the first grade, when the teacher returned my paper with See Me written in red ink instead of the usual Excellent. That perceived failure felt so devastating, I almost couldn’t breathe. What causes perfectionism in a child that young? What makes a six year old to get that stressed out? What's the root cause of perfectionism? The root cause of perfectionism is actually very simple: it's fear. Perfectionism arises because when we were small, we didn't feel protected or loved unconditionally. At some point early on, we learned to be afraid. At...
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Ask Caroline: Working 14 hours a day to hopefully one day be successful?
What do you do when what you're working as hard as you can (on a business, a relationship, or a creative project), and you're still not getting the results you want? How do you know when to keep at it, and when to pull the plug? Today on Ask Caroline, I'm answering a question from a reader I'll call Melody, who is working 14 hour days, yet losing money in her new business. She's "tired of chasing a never-ending to-do list without clear results that it's worth it." What's Melody's next move? (And where am I pulling the plug in...
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Ask Caroline: I need to work and earn money, but I have no clue what to do next.
Dear reader, Welcome to the first 2024 edition of Ask Caroline! I'm here to help you stop doing what you're supposed to do, and start doing what you're MEANT to do. In today's video I'm answering a letter from a woman I'll call Robin, who has come to a crossroads in her 50's and is struggling mightily with her career path. She's been through burnout and back, and now she needs to know: "How do I find out what to do next?" Right now Robin is wrestling with all kinds of job options, then deciding they are all bad ideas....
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