Spend It Offering Light: Week 3 & Giveaway

What happens when the life you thought you had vanishes in an instant? That’s the question addressed by our two brave guests today, Tammy Strobel of Rowdy Kittens and Leigh Linden (not her real name). Our current series, “Spend It Offering Light” (#OfferLight) continues today with their stories and a giveaway too! First time reading? Learn the story behind our series here. “Spend It Offering Light” features real people turning their fears into something that helps others, into light. Today, please welcome Leigh Linden and Tammy Strobel! …
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The Rumors are True: On Moving 750+ Miles Away, Seeing Past the Surface of Special Needs, and Having a Hand to Hold

Yes, it's really happening: my husband Jonathan and I are relocating from Washington DC to a small town in Alabama this week. Soon, we'll be on the road, with everything in transit, everything in flux. For a couple who likes their daily routines, this is a destabilizing prospect. It's a bittersweet ending, but it's also a beginning. A new adventure is held out to us, and we're reaching to grasp it. Even as one life seems to slip away, another is on the horizon, fast drawing near. Even as I'm hugging old friends goodbye, an invisible hand seems to be...
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Bittersweet Endings: Beginnings in Disguise?

Being filmed for a documentary is a peculiar exercise. I say this because, for the last six months, I've been working with a filmmaker on a documentary about finding meaning in your most challenging relationships, simple living, and loving someone with special needs. It's wild to think that an actual filmmaker is making an actual film about the things I love and strive for, but so it is. As such, Edwin has filmed several interviews with me, my yoga practice, my tiny studio apartment ... and last week, he filmed me and my friend Leo* at McDonald's, Leo's favorite neighborhood...
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