What Could Taking Pause Do For You? Guest Post At Momentum Gathering

Good morning, readers! Today's post is at Momentum Gathering. If you're feeling like we've had a whirlwind of guest posts lately...we have. This is the 3rd out of 4 consecutive guest posts. I think Monday's post will be the last in the series, but 2 others are in the works...! Also, my birthday is this Saturday, June 4th, and having posts on these beautiful sites has been a gift...so it's fitting. 🙂 Now, without further ado... Today's post: What Could Taking Pause Do For You? I’m glad to be posting at Momentum Gathering for a second time. Writer Katie Tallo's...
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On Taking Initiative Today (Because Baby, You Were Born This Way)

Last week's post on thinking small got me thinking about the flip side of things. Initiative. Thinking big and acting big. This doesn't have to mean acting dramatic. It means acting outside your comfort zone. It means having what my friends and I call 'brave days'. Thinking big and acting big simply means putting yourself out there. It means that you... 1. State Your Desires In yoga, there's a wonderful tradition of setting an intention as you begin your practice (or begin your day.) Your intention could be anything:  to have fun, to challenge yourself, to breathe deeply. The power...
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The One Where I Was Always Late: Owning Your Anger, Part 2

In honor of my best friend Brooke's blog launch (check her out at Books Distilled:  Helping You Discover Books You'll Love!), today's story is about...my best friend, Brooke. Brooke and I met when we were freshmen at Vassar College, but we didn't get to be close friends until sophomore year. We bonded over books, editing each others' papers and encouraging one another to keep writing. Everything was going along swimmingly...until a pattern started to establish itself. As the friendship grew, one person started consistently showing up late. I'm sorry to say that the person was me. I was late for...
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The One Where I Smashed The Guitar: Owning Your Anger, Part 1

Today marks the first post in a 3-part series on 'Owning Your Anger.' Why am I writing about anger? Because I don't want to...and because I must. Allow me to explain. My husband, Jonathan, became temporarily disabled this week. He has tendonitis in his right foot, and he's been couch-bound for two days. Yesterday, after I'd searched through (several!) L'Arche closets for crutches (and gone to CVS for an air-cast and to Safeway for groceries and...), the truth of what I was feeling came rushing over me. I had a knot in my stomach...a knot of fear and worry. And I...
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Guest Post At Momentum Gathering ~ Reflect, Rethink And Cherish: How To Transform Your Time

Hello readers, I'm thrilled to share that this Monday's post is a guest post at Momentum Gathering. It's titled, "Reflect, Rethink And Cherish:  How To Treasure Your Time." The lovely writer behind Momentum Gathering is Katie Tallo, and her mission is to:  "seek out simple, soulful ways to live, eat, move, create and embrace life." (To which I say, Yes, please!) Momentum Gathering readers, welcome! I'm glad you're here. Namaste, Caroline

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