Embarrassing Secrets of a Recovering Perfectionist

During my first month as a freshman at Vassar College, one of my hallmates caught me folding my dirty laundry. Yes, you read that right – I folded my dirty laundry before placing it in the collapsible navy-blue mesh hamper at the foot of my bed. It was a nervous habit that gave me a sense of control in an unfamiliar place. Of course I didn’t want anyone to know about my odd practice, so I flushed with embarrassment when my hallmate said, “Caroline, did you seriously just fold those pajamas before putting them into your hamper?” My hallmate’s tone...
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How To Be Anxious & Stressed…& Then Not.

During my first week at L'Arche, I heard someone say, "Today was a thorough day." As it turns out, this is L'Arche-speak for God-awful stressful and 10+ hours and You don't want to know. This week was full of thorough days. I helped my friend William* get through a major surgery and transition back to L'Arche. He had surgery on Monday, and he came through it well. Along with the assistants, I spent hours each day in the hospital. By Thursday, he was ready to return home, and I blocked off the entire day to facilitate the process. Photo...
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