10 Life Lessons From 1 Great Dad

Quick announcement:  today is the LAST day to enter to win a free Support Planning session with me, so please take 5 minutes and complete a short, 10-question survey on your experience at A Wish Come Clear. (Thanks to all of you who have done so already!) The free session is equivalent to Support Package #1, described at the Your Life, Supported! page. The current rate for this hour-long session + follow up is $125, but one reader will receive it for FREE. To enter, respond to survey question #10 (be sure to type your email address too!) prior to...
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One More Day, One Day More…

Speaking of Les Miserables, when I was about seven, my parents went to see the show on Broadway. When they came home, I pored over their programs, and expressed the ardent hope that I, too, might one day get to see "Lessss Misera-bellies" live. True story. Anyway, what I mean to say is... Thank You. The survey responses I've received so far have been SUPER helpful. You're shaping forthcoming posts and products, allowing me to zero in on exactly what you'd like to see more of at A Wish Come Clear. That said, it's Wednesday, and I'm planning to evaluate...
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Our First-Ever Survey + Giveaway!

Hello and good morning, readers! (A special welcome to readers from The Caregiver's Voice; I have a short post there today. Does this count as guest post #7-in-a-row? You be the judge...) I must confess:  I was in a bit of a blue funk last Friday. (Or maybe it was the mean reds. Points if you can name that reference.) Anyway, I was feeling a little woe-is-me at the end of a long work day. This week of guest posting (an honor thought it's been!) hasn't brought the kind of growth I'd hoped for. And so I was doubting, weakening....
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