Looking Past Limits (With Caroline Casey)

Today's post features a remarkable speech by an even more remarkable woman, Caroline Casey. Her accent is lovely and her speech is powerful. Moreover, her message is intimately connected with the mission of A Wish Come Clear, and so I'll simply say, you must watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyBk55G7Keo I don't know about you, but I can't watch this without crying. My tears started when the specialist asked Caroline, "Why are you fighting so hard not to be yourself?" "Do you love what you do, Caroline?" "What did you want to be when you were little?" By asking her these questions, the specialist...
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“The Opportunity Of Adversity” And How Language Shapes Thought

I'd like to share something that moved me this week, as it connects perfectly with what this site is all about. It's Aimee Mullins' TED talk on, "The opportunity of adversity." I've watched it twice, and her strength just shines through. She knows who she is, and she is beautiful. Aimee Mullins was born without shinbones. Rather than seeing this as something to be 'overcome', the adult Aimee sees her disability as something that shaped her character and gave her strength. She also talks about how one person's affirmation of her strength made a significant impact on her self-perception as...
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