The Risk of NOT Being Busy

When my husband Jonathan and I moved from DC to Alabama five years ago, the biggest culture shock wasn’t the Southern accents, but rather, the less busy pace of life. It was the stunningly slow turns that drivers made into parking lots. It was standing still at a four-way stop because everyone wanted to let everyone else go first. (As a New Jersey native, both of these drove me bananas. Just go already! You could not get away with these shenanigans in New York!) But the biggest change of all was the sudden halt of my own busyness. …
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On Showing Up & Showing Love (Even if You’re Too Busy)

Last year, I accompanied my husband Jonathan to the dentist. It was an opportunity for showing up and showing love … even though I was tempted to hide behind being busy. Jonathan needed a crown on a broken tooth, and – though he wouldn’t say it in so many words – he was a tad anxious about it. I inferred anxiety based on comments like, “Caroline! What if, when I open my mouth, and they look in and say, ‘Oh, we were wrong. We actually need to take them all out. Sorry! No more teeth for you!’ What then?!” I...
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