Have You Been Imagining Those Prison Bars? (Or, Don’t Re-Enroll In High School)

I had this dream one night. In the dream, I was in my twenties. I was living with my parents in New Jersey, in the house where I grew up. Since my career had apparently stalled, a faceless, intimidating authority figure strongly recommended that I re-enroll in high school, to 'get back to basics' or something like that. Good news: you've already graduated! The thought of re-enrolling filled me with dread, but I did it anyway. I didn't think I had a choice. For weeks, I struggled to re-learn my old routines, fumbling through locker combinations, math tests,...
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The One Where I Was Always Late: Owning Your Anger, Part 2

In honor of my best friend Brooke's blog launch (check her out at Books Distilled:  Helping You Discover Books You'll Love!), today's story is about...my best friend, Brooke. Brooke and I met when we were freshmen at Vassar College, but we didn't get to be close friends until sophomore year. We bonded over books, editing each others' papers and encouraging one another to keep writing. Everything was going along swimmingly...until a pattern started to establish itself. As the friendship grew, one person started consistently showing up late. I'm sorry to say that the person was me. I was late for...
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