3 Trampolines, by Eileen Schofield

If you can’t watch the video, here’s a brief summary, and a photo of the artwork too!

Welcome to the (3rd-ever) video message! A few quick updates:

I’ll have 2 guest posts running tomorrow, at Autism Home Rescue and I’m A Mom Too, respectively. I’m honored to be a part of both, since they focus on providing support for caregivers of people with disabilities.

A very big thank you to everyone who has encouraged, supported, and purchased Love’s Subversive Stance, especially the print book version! Your enthusiasm has made the entire process worthwhile.

Also, if you have ideas or suggestions for individuals or organizations that might be interested in Love’s Subversive Stance, please let me know, either in the comments section below, or via email (caroline AT awishcomeclear DOT com). I want to be thoughtful about the distribution, and your input is appreciated!

Finally, I’d like to invite everyone to come on over to A Wish Come Clear’s Facebook page and engage with the community. We’ve been sharing a good deal there, and so, in honor of Valentine’s Day, I’d like to offer a giveaway to readers and fans!

As a gift, I’m offering a colorful, energizing mixed-media piece from my friend Eileen (pictured above, and shown in the video). It’s entitled Three Trampolines (list price: $55). To enter to win the art, simply head to our Facebook page, Like us if you haven’t already, and add a comment to a thread I’ll start today!

The giveaway will be effective today (Monday) and run through the end of the day on Tuesday, after which I’ll select a recipient for the art.

Thank you so much, and have a wonderful week!


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