Hello & happy Friday!

First, I have a new guest post up at The BridgeMaker! The BridgeMaker connects people who are looking to find faith, share inspiration and celebrate personal change. (Sound familiar?)

Photo Credit: Ashley Baker Haselton

As author Alex Blackwell writes, “On the brink of divorce several years ago, I needed to make a few changes within myself before my life could change. Knowing creating positive change was necessary, I started down the path of learning how to appreciate exactly what I have.”

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  1. Allene Everett June 28, 2013 at 3:27 PM - Reply

    Best article yet! So true for so many of us. Living like we aren’t human and too proud to admit it. Thank you!
    P.s. We’ve moved to Utah! Keep Florence the same for us! We loved our years there. I hope it blesses your family as it blessed ours.

    • Caroline McGraw June 28, 2013 at 9:31 PM - Reply

      Thank you very much, Allene! Glad it spoke to you. And wow, congratulations on the big move! 🙂

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