What Oprah Told Me

Have you ever had one of those “big-deal” dreams in which you just KNOW that God, the Universe, your higher self, is trying to get a message to you? For a little while last week, I was in a bad place. Partly it was past trauma coming out to play, and partly it was energetic debt. After the high of the You Don’t Owe Anyone book launch, I spent many hours recording the audio book. Recording the book was well worth it, and I cannot wait to share it with you! The audio book is available for preorder now and...
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The Four Magic Words (You’ll Never Guess)

If you’ve already read my new book, You Don’t Owe Anyone, then you know that I’ve dreamed of becoming a published author ever since I was six years old. When my first grade teacher helped our class make our own hardcover books, I was hooked. She told us that authors were people whose job it was to make books. I thought that nothing could be cooler than that. (My first book, age 6) (My new book, age 35) Fast-forward about 30 years. After decades of diligent reading, writing, and study, that original dream has come true today. You Don’t Owe...
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Getting It Done Won’t Make You Happier (But This Will)

I’m writing to you from snowy, icy Alabama; it sounds odd just to see those words together, doesn’t it? Our state is not equipped for these conditions. Our kids don’t have snow pants, and our towns don’t have plows. As such, my plans for the week have been upended, and I’ve spent most of the last three days with our 19 month old toddler, who thinks that putting my underwear on her head is a great use of time. So, my perspective might be a little wacky. But go with me for a minute here. I’ve been thinking about the...
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