On Daring to Be Happy (Glitter Pens Optional)

You never know when you might get roped into making Valentines. When I came for supper at L'Arche last Thursday night, I didn't expect a craft portion of the evening. But one of our guests had brought card-making supplies, and she set us the assignment of making one Valentine each. I enjoyed this, especially because my friend Leo* asked me for my help with his card. When I said yes, he came to sit beside me. He'd added stickers, but needed some help with the glitter pens. Whenever Leo asks me for help, I'm reminded of what it was like...
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The Delivery That Changed My Life (And The Book That Could Change Yours)

Photo Credit: Allison McGinley Last week, I found a small, brown package propped up against the door to our apartment. I didn't have to pick it up to know what it was; in fact, once I did pick it up, I set it carefully on our coffee table and proceeded to ignore it for several hours. (Perhaps ignore doesn't quite capture it. Tiptoe around it like the elephant in the room is much more accurate.) The proof copy of Love's Subversive Stance had arrived, and somehow, I wasn't quite ready to open it. And then, hours later, I...
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Forget Christmas Presents – Let’s Talk About ‘A Gift Disguised as a Dilemma’

Recently, I watched the documentary film, Loving Lampposts: Living Autistic as research for a feature piece I was writing for Autism After 16, wherein I interviewed director Todd Drezner. Within minutes, his film had me captivated. The documentary explores the nature of autism, asking the tough questions: what causes autism? Is there a 'cure'? How do we best support individuals with autism, and how can we learn more about their inner worlds? Drezner includes scientific research and interviews with professionals, but what stands out most about the film are the personal stories, the interviews with parents and adults on the...
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Launch Day: Love’s Subversive Stance is Here!

It's the day you've been waiting for; Love's Subversive Stance is finally here! I'm proud to offer you this ebook, which contains 90+ pages of stories to help you go deeper with your most challenging relationships. If you want to say YES to standing on the subversive soil of love, pick up your copy today! Some early reviews: "The more I read of this book, the more I love it. It's really a beautiful collection of stories." -Allison McGinley, Be Not Afraid "Congratulations! I love the book...beautifully laid out." -Arvind Devalia, Make It Happen "...All I can say that it...
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The Woman I Never Knew: Guest Post On Roots Of She

Photo Credit: Kevin J. Fischer Readers, I'm happy to share that I have another guest post running today! As of Monday at 11am EST, "The Woman I Never Knew" is on Roots Of She, a wonderful community begun by Jenn Gibson. The post is about the journey toward self-acceptance and freedom; specifically, about a grace-filled encounter that took place before my wedding day (pictured). Welcome to A Wish Come Clear, Roots of She readers!

How To Heal The Broken Relationship With Yourself: Guest Post on Trading Pounds

Readers, I'm happy to share that I have a guest post running today! "How To Heal the Broken Relationship With Yourself" is on Trading Pounds, a wonderful blog written by my friend Stephanie Wetzel. The post is about my journey to love and accept my physical body. Welcome to A Wish Come Clear, Trading Pounds readers! I'm thrilled that you're here.

How to Tell the Truth About Who You Are

This week, I've been thinking a good deal about truth; not absolute, capital-T Truth, but the smaller truth of felt experience. I've been noticing how often we lie; that is, how often we neglect to tell the truth about what we're feeling and what we value. We say we're fine when we're not. We say we like the book (or movie or restaurant or meeting time) that everyone else prefers, when our actual preference is very different. We tell white lies to make life 'easier', but the truth is that these little lies eat away at us. And by we,...
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Is Love Your Unbreakable Habit?

I've spent a good deal of time caring for my seventy-five year old friend William* this month. He's home at L'Arche, recovering from major surgery. As such, he needs more assistance than usual. For example, he showered independently before the surgery, and now, he needs people to help him. This is difficult for a man who puts a premium on independence and privacy. Staying home and recuperating for 6 weeks is also a challenge for a man who loves putting on a suit jacket and going to work every day. And, while it's vital for L'Arche assistants to empower him...
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How To Be Anxious & Stressed…& Then Not.

During my first week at L'Arche, I heard someone say, "Today was a thorough day." As it turns out, this is L'Arche-speak for God-awful stressful and 10+ hours and You don't want to know. This week was full of thorough days. I helped my friend William* get through a major surgery and transition back to L'Arche. He had surgery on Monday, and he came through it well. Along with the assistants, I spent hours each day in the hospital. By Thursday, he was ready to return home, and I blocked off the entire day to facilitate the process. Photo...
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What To Do When You Are Afraid (& Some Big News)

"Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened. Don't open the door to the study and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument." - Rumi I woke up this Saturday morning feeling entirely out of sorts. I'd had a nightmare, I felt exhausted, and all I could think of were the million-and-one things on my to-do list for the month ahead. I didn't think about the sunshine and beautiful weather, or the Skype date I had scheduled with my best friends. Despite the excitement of this season of my life (*hints at the big news*), I just...
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