Photo Credit: Allison McGinley

Last week, I found a small, brown package propped up against the door to our apartment. I didn’t have to pick it up to know what it was; in fact, once I did pick it up, I set it carefully on our coffee table and proceeded to ignore it for several hours. (Perhaps ignore doesn’t quite capture it. Tiptoe around it like the elephant in the room is much more accurate.)

The proof copy of Love’s Subversive Stance had arrived, and somehow, I wasn’t quite ready to open it. And then, hours later, I was. Slowly, I cut through the tape, taking care that I didn’t damage what was inside. Because what was inside was what I’d worked toward and dreamed about my entire life: a print book of my own.

As the cardboard fell away, I caught a glimpse of the back cover, with its rich colors swirling before my eyes. One glimpse was all it took. Tears came, unexpected, unstoppable tears. And in a rush, I knew why I’d felt the need to wait so long to open it. Deep down, I knew what opening the package would mean to me.

I felt a shadow of what a mother must feel when she sees her newborn child for the first time: an admixture of stunned awe and love, startling in its intensity. I was surprised at how beautiful the full-color print book was; in fact, “Beautiful” was the first word to cross my lips. Despite the fact that I’d written the book (and made or OK’ed every editorial and design decision), I was still astonished at the final result. Despite months of hard work, I was still amazed to see it come to fruition.

Being intimately involved in the process of creation, it turns out, does not preclude wonder. In fact, it only increases it. And in that moment, I understood a bit more about the fierce love it takes to do anything worthwhile. It takes a lot to write a book, to pursue creative dreams, to give birth to a child and care for that young life every day. I was — am — humbled to bear witness to that love’s transforming power.

And with all of that said, I’m very proud to share that Love’s Subversive Stance is now available in print! I hope you’ll share this book with those you love, because it was (is!) a labor of love.


To select a full-color print book version as a beautiful gift for yourself

or a loved one, visit Love’s Subversive Stance at CreateSpace.

(Additional print and shipping charges apply.)


What are readers saying about the book?

“The more I read of this book, the more I love it. It’s really a beautiful collection of stories.” -Allison McGinley, Be Not Afraid

“Congratulations! I love the book…beautifully laid out.” -Arvind Devalia, Make It Happen

“…All I can say that it is beautiful. One can learn so much from your experience and interpretations of the challenging relationships we face in life. Your writing is so inspiring and just flows across the pages…” -Metod Kolla, reader

“…It is very rare that you come across a book that gives you permission to enhance your relationships and yourself the way that Caroline has here. As I was reading I felt compelled to share the lessons I had learned from her stories with every stranger I passed on the sidewalk. Read this book for encouragement, for inspiration, and most of all to wake your heart up to that love train you’ve been missing.” -Dusti Arab, Undefinable You

What’s this book all about?

Love’s Subversive Stance is a collection of stories centered on these questions: how can we honor our passions and our caregiving relationships at the same time? In loving someone with intellectual challenges, how can we become more fully ourselves?

This book is NOT a quick-fix. Instead, it’s about telling true stories…the sort of stories that will allow you to become rooted and grow. It’s about examining the seemingly insignificant details of your day, and seeing what they say about you and your relationships. The book contains 90+ pages of stories for people who want to say YES to standing on the subversive soil of love.

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  1. Arvind Devalia January 30, 2012 at 6:53 PM - Reply

    Congratulations Caroline!

    I am so happy for you – and also inspired by your words and your book which I know will impact a lot of people around the world.

    A few years ago I too was just so thrilled to receive the hard copy of my first book – and it was the best feeling ever. Probably only second to the birth of your baby:-)

    • Caroline McGraw January 30, 2012 at 7:30 PM - Reply

      As a fellow author, I know you know exactly what I mean. 🙂 Thank you, Arvind; you’ve been such a great encouragement in this process. I appreciate you!

  2. Rache January 30, 2012 at 7:08 PM - Reply

    SO proud of you C! <3

    • Caroline McGraw January 30, 2012 at 7:31 PM - Reply

      Thank you, my dear friend – that means a great deal to me! <3

  3. Stephanie Wetzel January 30, 2012 at 7:11 PM - Reply

    Congrats, sweet Caroline! It truly is an amazing feeling and you have so eloquently described what is a breathless, priceless moment for any true creator, whether that be of life or works!

    All my best to you always ~ Steph

    • Caroline McGraw January 30, 2012 at 7:32 PM - Reply

      It is indeed! Thank you, Steph – your input and advice was invaluable in the process. I can’t thank you enough!

  4. Cathy | Treatment Talk January 30, 2012 at 7:31 PM - Reply

    Hi Caroline,

    Congrats on your book!! Hope you are taking a moment to celebrate all the hard work that you put into creating your unique book. It’s a wonderful feeling to contribute something brand new and offer it to the world. I have not read it yet, but it is definitely on my list to check out. It sounds wonderful.

    • Caroline McGraw January 30, 2012 at 7:39 PM - Reply

      That’s great to hear, Cathy! And yes, I agree – taking time to celebrate is a really important step, one that’s easy to overlook. As a small treat for today, I went for a long walk to visit the National Zoo (and even saw a cheetah up-close)! Yet your comment encouraged me to think about what it would feel like to ‘complete’ the project – I’m thinking I might need to celebrate with my amazing friend / book designer Tamara, because I could not have made this book what it is without her. 🙂

      • Tammy January 30, 2012 at 8:09 PM - Reply

        Thanks, Caroline! It was a labor of love, as you said, and I loved every minute of working with you on it. Can’t wait to collaborate on more of your beautiful work, so you can continue to share it with the world . <3

  5. Mary January 31, 2012 at 12:18 AM - Reply

    I rejoice with you Caroline! Your gracious and loving spirit and artistry with words is balm for the heart – a source of encouragement for me. And your new book will be blessing to many. Yay!

  6. Metod January 31, 2012 at 1:52 AM - Reply

    What a wonderful news Caroline!
    I know how hard you worked to get publish this book on paper.
    And now it’s here…in your hands.
    That must really feel amazing – to share your creation with the world.
    You wrote the book from your heart and that’s why it’s so beautiful
    and inspiring. I can’t wait to get my copy 🙂

    • Caroline McGraw January 31, 2012 at 4:09 AM - Reply

      You said it, Metod! Thank you for that, and for the encouragement you’ve offered along the way. 🙂

  7. Alex Blackwell | The BridgeMaker January 31, 2012 at 3:19 AM - Reply

    Enjoy this moment, this feeling Caroline – you have worked hard to get here.



    • Caroline McGraw January 31, 2012 at 4:10 AM - Reply

      Will do, Alex! I’ve definitely enjoyed reading your recent posts, and I’m glad to see you here too.

  8. Paige | simple mindfulness January 31, 2012 at 3:50 AM - Reply

    Congratulations on your birth, Caroline! Your descriptions of your emotions upon seeing your baby for the first time reminded me of the moments after birth of each of my three children. Experiences like that will stay with you forever.


    • Caroline McGraw January 31, 2012 at 4:12 AM - Reply

      Thank you, Paige; I’m glad the analogy is apt. I can only imagine the challenge and beauty of being a mom – you inspire me! Namaste!

  9. Betsy at Zen Mama January 31, 2012 at 4:45 AM - Reply

    Congratulations! It’s a wonderful feeling to have something you’ve wanted all your life come to pass!

  10. Mary Shapiro January 31, 2012 at 6:45 AM - Reply

    Yes! “The Delivery” changed your life Caroline, but just think how many lives this Baby will touch! I too was moved just holding this beautiful book in my hands: the colors of the cover, the gentle, clear font style, the texture of the pages… (and I haven’t even read it yet 🙂 “The world will be saved by Beauty, ” said Doestoevsky. Thank you for doing your part Caroline! Mazol tov!

  11. Jt Clough | Big Island Dog January 31, 2012 at 7:06 AM - Reply

    Felt so much in the moment with you when opening that package while reading your description. I also write and understand the attachment, the passion and the dreams that come with doing this endeavor.


    • Caroline McGraw January 31, 2012 at 4:05 PM - Reply

      That’s great to hear, Jt; it’s what a writer strives for each time. Thank you!

  12. Fran Sorin January 31, 2012 at 11:00 AM - Reply


    What a thrill. Your feelings of passion and giving birth are touching. I hope you continue to celebrate your success.

    I know that feeling. And the first time you see your book, it is a sort of miracle.

    Please send me a few sentences on your creative process/giving birth. I am writing a post of inspirational creativity quotes. I’m trying to include as many from our group as possible with links. Much love…Fran

    • Caroline McGraw January 31, 2012 at 4:06 PM - Reply

      Thank you, Fran – and will do r.e. the creative process request!

  13. Mary January 31, 2012 at 1:20 PM - Reply

    Congrats!! Wahoo! We’ve been waiting to see this book for so long. I’m excited it’s here.

    • Caroline McGraw January 31, 2012 at 4:06 PM - Reply

      Wahoo indeed 😉 Thank you for your encouragement, Mary – and for letting me talk your ear off at dinner after rather solitary days of writing!

    • Caroline McGraw January 31, 2012 at 4:34 PM - Reply

      What a great quote – thank you, Mary! Your reaction to the book was a fantastic encouragement for me in going forward and sharing it with the world. Big hug!

  14. Angela Artemis/Poweredbyintuition January 31, 2012 at 4:41 PM - Reply

    Congratulations! I’m thrilled. It’s a wonderful achievement that you have worked to make happen. I love the topic too. I work and care for my 82 year old mother so I’m totally interested in the topic you’ve chosen.

    May it go on to be a best seller.

    • Caroline McGraw January 31, 2012 at 4:44 PM - Reply

      🙂 Thank you Angela – that’s wonderful to hear! I hope the book will give you encouragement and strength on your journey.

  15. Joy January 31, 2012 at 6:32 PM - Reply

    I love that you choose to share so openly from your heart. Thank you for that beautiful gift!
    The description of how you received your book, is breath-taking–the wonder and the gratitude just fly right off the page and I feel so happy for you. Congratulations! May you take the time to allow it all (the process, the “result”, the fun) to soak right in and may you enjoy each new place on the path that investing your heart shall present to you.

    • Caroline McGraw January 31, 2012 at 6:35 PM - Reply

      You are most welcome, Joy! And I appreciate your words of affirmation and kindness. Letting them soak in as a gift right now. 🙂

  16. […] moving beyond it. Don’t claim that you know the meaning of their pain. Let them know that you wish they weren’t hurting, and yet you have faith that this depression is valid and […]

  17. Pam Fahy February 1, 2012 at 12:39 AM - Reply

    Congratulations, Caroline! I can’t wait to read it!

  18. Lana Phillips February 1, 2012 at 7:40 AM - Reply

    The e-book was so beautiful that I know the print version must be breathtaking! I hope to be able to get it soon. Congratulations on birthing your brilliance into the world!

  19. Steven Aitchison February 2, 2012 at 7:23 PM - Reply

    Hi Caroline, congratulations to you, what a wonderful feeling that must have been. I have to say you showed remarkable constraint to leave it for several hours 🙂

    • Caroline McGraw February 2, 2012 at 8:34 PM - Reply

      Steve, I’m thrilled to see you here! Thank you very much for the congratulations – and yes, whether it was restraint or fear, it was tough to leave it unopened! 😉

  20. Ken Wert February 3, 2012 at 1:31 PM - Reply

    Sweet! What a moment! I agree with Steve. I would have been tearing into the package before ever opening the door! 🙂

    Well, congratulations. I can’t think of a nicer person success of this kind would better suit. May it touch and change the lives of those so often forgotten, inspiring caregivers of those so challenged to greater heights. You do an important work here and with your book, Caroline. I believe the heavens are smiling down on you for this labor of love you’re now intorducing to the world.

    • Caroline McGraw February 3, 2012 at 5:31 PM - Reply

      What a kind comment, Ken ~ thank you for these words of encouragement and blessing!

  21. Meg February 3, 2012 at 2:15 PM - Reply

    Congrats!! This is very exciting!

  22. Aileen February 4, 2012 at 6:16 AM - Reply

    Congratulations Caroline!!!!!!!!!! How exciting to have your first book in hard copy and in your hands. Such a perfect way to keep the fresh new year exciting and filled with promise.

    I look forward to reading it – the subject matter is something many of my friends deal with and I will share this with them.

    • Caroline McGraw February 4, 2012 at 1:51 PM - Reply

      Thank you, Aileen! It is a lovely feeling, I agree – and I’m very glad to hear that it’s relevant to you and those you love.

  23. Bryan Thompson February 5, 2012 at 4:37 AM - Reply

    Hey Caroline! Congratulations on the soon-to-be-released book! Having experienced that pre-cardboard sensation, I can attest that there is truly no feeling like seeing your own words in print! So excited for you!

    • Caroline McGraw February 6, 2012 at 2:34 PM - Reply

      Thank you, Bryan! You said it – it’s a feeling all it’s own. 🙂

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