You Don’t Have to Be Afraid: Overcoming Perfectionism on Poema

“The irony of overcoming perfectionism is that it’s like playing a video game where you have plenty of lives left, but you’re so scared of getting hurt by anything. And it’s like, ‘Dude, it’s okay! The game has more lives for you!'” This is a quote from my recent guest appearance on James Prescott’s Poema Podcast. I’m not sure why I started speaking like a California surfer – dude! – but I’m so glad to share the recording with you today. …
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The Theology of Audrey Hepburn and Pippin the Deer

Recently I was at a medical appointment and the nurse asked me about my religious affiliation. The question took me aback, in part because I wasn’t expecting it and in part because I didn’t know how to answer it. How could I be honest and also fit my answer into a box on the intake form? The words stuck in my throat. …
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When Hope Seems Lost, Remember This

When my brother Willie was diagnosed with autism, he was three years old and I was five. Neither of us had been to church yet, so I didn’t have much of a God concept. But somehow, I’d already arrived at a very clear idea of heaven. I used to lie awake at night and think about it, so eager for it to be real. I believed that heaven would be just this: a place where I could talk freely with my brother. It would be a place without the limits of autism on his part or lack of knowledge on...
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On Faith, Fears, and Finding Treasure (Break Out the Shovels)

Dear friends, We're back! I missed you so much last week (when my husband and I traveled to visit family and celebrated our fourth anniversary) that I just had to make it up to you this week. As such, I have not one, but two guest posts to share with you today. The first guest post is at Elizabeth Esther's blog. Esther writes courageously about recovery from fundamentalist religion. I can't wait to read her forthcoming book, Girl at the End of the World. I'm thrilled (and terrified) to share, "Faith is like Walking into the Deluge...". The next guest post...
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