The Most Likely Way You’ll Take Back Your Time

Having a baby has changed the way I make choices. Time with Baby Girl McGraw is such a big YES for me that it puts every other decision into sharper focus. “Do I want to take on this project?” turns into, “Do I want to trade an hour with our long-awaited little one? Do I want to source childcare for this time? Is it worth it to me?” I’m hooked on the fierce clarity. But the challenge, of course, is to translate thought into action – to LIVE from that place of integrity. Is this something you struggle with, dear...
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You Need to Hear These 6 Words Today

“Walk like you’re one inch taller.” Dawn, my new physical therapist, was coaching me to walk properly last week. She’s helping me to improve my posture and alignment in order to heal from birth injuries. As you’d imagine, I’m taking this work seriously. I’m on time for every appointment, giving each exercise my all. But those 6 words nearly stopped me in my tracks. The ears of my soul perked up, like a cat at the sound of kibble. That’s what my body feels like when it hears something true; my inner animal snaps to attention. …
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What to Do When You’re Drowning in Overwhelm

“Help, I’m overwhelmed! If you are feeling overwhelmed, how to do you slow down to know what to focus on?  Should I focus on decluttering and mediation first then let whatever happens happens or should I actively try to find my purpose?” …
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When Your Family Doesn’t Support Your Dreams

“How do I practice self care and pursue dreams with a family that say they support you until it is inconvenient for them? (Leaving my family is not an option.)” Wow, what a great listener question! What do we do when the people closest to us don’t support our dreams? If you’ve ever wrestled with that issue, then click here to watch the new, 11:56 minute video. …
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I Feel Bad About Myself, How Do You Get Confidence?

“Can you help me to improve my bad feeling about myself which I’ve had all through my working life (about 20 years..)?” “What are some strategies to stay out of your own head and ignore/stop negative self talk?” “How do I increase my confidence in myself? How can I have more confidence in me?” These are all listener questions from The Clarity Course survey. Most of us are very familiar with that “bad feeling” about ourselves. We’d love to feel more confident, clear, and strong … but how can we, when there are scary shadows of doubt and fear lurking...
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Do More of What Feels Like Magic

There’s nothing kids love quite like feeling “grown up.” Give them some responsibility, and they’re hooked. At least, that’s how I felt when I worked in my dad’s home office. My dad has his own business, and when he had invoices to mail, he let me help him prepare the envelopes. This was thrilling to me. As a small child, I loved pressing the return-address stamp onto the black ink pad. I loved the stamp’s disappearing act, the swivel that made the raised letters come and go. One moment, there were no words in the upper left hand corner of...
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“The Conditions Are Always Impossible.”

Have you ever had the experience of reading a quote that just gets under your skin and will not leave you alone? Ever read a few words and had that shivery feeling of truth spoken directly to your spirit? This is the Doris Lessing quote that’s been following me around lately: “Whatever you’re meant to do, do it now. The conditions are always impossible.” Amen to that, right? That quote has helped me so much. Since I read it, I stopped procrastinating and started writing my next book. Now, I had all kinds of reasons why the conditions were “impossible”...
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Stop Feeling Stuck and Start Trusting Yourself

Every time I start feeling stuck and unsure, I remember a woman I’ve never met. Her name was Te-lah-nay, a Native American woman displaced during the Trail of Tears. She was forced to march from her home in Alabama all the way to Oklahoma. 500 miles, minimum. …
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Eat Enough, Sleep Enough, and Choose to be Happy

My friend’s seven year old son struggles with anxiety and feels life very deeply. So his dad developed this mantra to help him remember the basics: “We’re going to eat enough, We’re going to sleep enough, And we’re going to choose to be happy.” …
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How Do I Stand Strong In My Decisions? (Ask Caroline Video)

“How can I have more confidence in my decision making, whether big or small? What are quick strategies to stop second guessing decisions? How to stop getting stuck and stand strong in my decisions?” Those are your words from The Confidence Course survey. In this video, I help you to identify and question the beliefs that are preventing you from making a decision and sticking to it. …
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