It’s that time of year.

Mom, thanks for making me such a lovely princess costume for my very first ‘dress up’ Halloween!

We’re putting away the Halloween costumes (or, in my case, enjoying photos of past ensembles!) and making plans for the upcoming winter holidays. We’re hitting the road and opening our doors. And in the midst of it all, we’re giving thanks.

And I’m thankful that, even though this week has been a difficult one for Willie, our parents, and me, it has been a time of grace as well.

& I am tremendously grateful for you.

Your readership. Your time. Your lovely, inspiring comments. The ways in which you share from the heart.

And sharing from the heart is what my favorite writers do best. In honor of the coming holiday, I want to share with you a (short, incomplete) list of writers who have inspired me this year.

You can peruse these posts over the next 2 weeks, since A Wish Come Clear will be taking a brief break for the holiday. (Posts resume on Monday, December 3, 2012.)

The writers listed below share stories of special needs with grace, power, and beauty, and I am so glad that they have the courage to do so.

I am thankful for …

1. Martha Beck, author of Expecting Adam: A Story of Birth, Rebirth, and Everyday Magic (among others)

Recommended Read: Receive with an Open Heart: Giving and Accepting Gifts of Real Love

2.  Kerry Magro, fellow columnist at Autism After 16 and all-around amazing human being

3. Priscilla Gilman, author of The Anti-Romantic Child: A Story of Unexpected Joy

Recommended Read: Ernie and Bert’s Mother

4. Kelle Hampton, author of Bloom: Finding Beauty in the Unexpected.

5. Amy Julia Becker, author of A Good & Perfect Gift: Faith, Expectations, and a Little Girl Named Penny

Recommended Read: Ann Coulter, The R-Word, and John Franklin Stephens’ Wise Response


What are you thankful for this week? Join the conversation in the comments below!

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  1. Tiffany November 12, 2012 at 3:37 PM - Reply

    I am thankful for friends like you that love you through all life’s storms. I am also thankful for family and all the forms they take.

  2. Mary Shapiro November 13, 2012 at 12:10 AM - Reply

    I am thankful for: 10. getting a phone call from Kentrell! (an old guitar student with special needs) 9. 2 concerts with 2 amazing friends this weekend! 8. a yellow stickie love note from my husband 7. WRITING with Grammy winner CARRIE NEWCOMER at Kirkridge 6. praying with Mom (who has dementia) about JOY! 5. a clarifying conversation with a compassionate board member (the boss of my bosses) 4. our old yellar dog Dug 3. Dad’s strange sense of humor 2. going to SPA WORLD for my birthday on thursday (come if you can!) and, the #1 thing I’m grateful for at this moment is (drum roll)…..YOU dear Caroline! Looking forward to seeing you LIVE.

    • Caroline McGraw November 13, 2012 at 2:34 AM - Reply

      What a wonderful list! Thank you, Mary. I am so looking forward to seeing you LIVE as well! Happy Early Birthday! 🙂

  3. Metod November 13, 2012 at 4:41 PM - Reply

    So much to be thankful for…for being lucky to live in this beautiful, safe and free land, for three amazing boys of mine and supportive wife, for a new job I just started and above all, for all the beautiful, kind and caring people in my life…one of them being you Caroline.
    Enjoy the holidays and family time and we’ll see you in two weeks 🙂


    • Caroline McGraw November 13, 2012 at 5:52 PM - Reply

      So many blessings – thank you for sharing, Metod! I’m so thankful for your friendship. And congratulations on your new job!

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