The Secret To Interpreting Your Childhood Dreams: Guest Post At Everyday Bright (& An Ebook Launch!)

Today's guest post (in lieu of our usual Thursday post) is over at Everyday Bright. Click here: The Secret To Interpreting Your Childhood Dreams I’m deeply honored to be posting there. Everyday Bright is all about reinventing your career and daring to shine...two things that writer Jen Gresham has inspired me to do. I had the pleasure of meeting Jen for supper a few months ago, and she's been a friend and mentor ever since. You might have seen her smile in our comments, or recognize her name from Fail, Fail And Fail Again:  Why Falling Flat Is Key To...
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5 Books I Can’t Live Without: Guest Post At Books Distilled

Readers, surprise! This week's (usually Thursday) post is over at Books Distilled. It's the latest post in Brooke Law's "5 Books I Can't Live Without" series. You can find it here:  5 Books I Can't Live Without: Caroline McGraw I'm honored to be posting there. Books Distilled is all about "helping you find books you'll love" and Brooke Law is very, very good at doing just that. Welcome, readers from Books Distilled! I'm happy you're here. xoxo, Caroline

Flawed Yet Fearless: Guest Post At RowdyKittens

Readers, SURPRISE! You have TWO posts coming to you today. (Consider this as the regularly-scheduled post for this coming Monday, April 11.) Today’s SECOND post is over at Rowdy Kittens, and you can find it here: Flawed Yet Fearless:  4 Steps To Embrace Your Strengths. Posting on RowdyKittens is a dream come true for me, as Tammy Strobel's site was the first blog I subscribed to (and a major inspiration as I began A Wish Come Clear.) RowdyKittens is all about “social change through simple living.” Welcome to A Wish Come Clear, readers from RowdyKittens! Thank you for reading!

Real Life Minimalists ~ Guest Post At Miss Minimalist

Readers, today’s post is over at Miss Minimalist. It's the latest post in Francine Jay's "Real-Life Minimalists" series. You can find it here:  Real Life Minimalists: Caroline Garnet McGraw. I’m honored to be posting there. Miss Minimalist is all about "living a beautiful life with less stuff." Her recent book, The Joy Of Less, is a must-have if you're interested in downsizing and simplifying (I've read it multiple times.) Francine is a gracious, articulate writer (on both practical and philosophical levels) and her site is an excellent resource for simplicity-seekers. My post focuses on my experiences with simplicity within the...
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Fear, Exposed ~ Guest Post At TMF Project

Readers, today's post is over at The Middle Finger Project ~ it's the latest post in Ash Ambirge's "Fear, Exposed" series. You can find it here:  Fear, Exposed featuring Caroline McGraw. I'm honored to be posting there. In case you were wondering, The Middle Finger Project is all about "rejecting the status quo & rebelling against mediocrity." I recently did a digital strategy session with Ash via Skype, so I can tell you ~ she's one gifted, gracious, energizing person, not to mention a rock-star of a writer. Be forewarned ~ TMF Project is addictive. You might want to go...
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Guest Post At Momentum Gathering ~ Reflect, Rethink And Cherish: How To Transform Your Time

Hello readers, I'm thrilled to share that this Monday's post is a guest post at Momentum Gathering. It's titled, "Reflect, Rethink And Cherish:  How To Treasure Your Time." The lovely writer behind Momentum Gathering is Katie Tallo, and her mission is to:  "seek out simple, soulful ways to live, eat, move, create and embrace life." (To which I say, Yes, please!) Momentum Gathering readers, welcome! I'm glad you're here. Namaste, Caroline

Welcome S-O-S (And A Free Ebook Link)

Welcome to the special Tuesday edition of A Wish Come Clear! I'm pleased to welcome guests from the "S-O-S for Parents" blog. What's S-O-S? "S-O-S for Parents is dedicated to supporting parents who have children with "invisible" special needs such as ADHD/ADD, autism, Aspergers, anxiety, sensory processing disorder, social skills deficits, play skills deficits, mental illness, and more." A Wish Come Clear is featured today in their 'Best of the Best' roundup, under 'Siblings.' Thank you, Danette, for this opportunity! Guests from S-O-S, I encourage you to look at posts in a category of your choosing. Also, subscriptions are most welcome....
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It Helps Not To Be Afraid: Guest Post At “Thin Places”

hello, all, I'm pleased to share that I have a guest post at Amy Julia Becker's blog, "Thin Places." You can find today's post here:  Perfectly Human: It helps not to be afraid. Thank you, Amy Julia, for the opportunity to post! Comments, retweets, likes and shares are always appreciated. Namaste, Caroline

5 Simplicity DIYs (You’ve Been Too Scared To Try)- Guest Post At

Good morning, all! Today I'm excited to have a guest post -- "Simplicity DIYs (you've been to scared to try)"-- at Courtney Carver's lovely site, Be More with Less:  life on purpose. Thank you, Courtney, for this opportunity! I happily redirect you there to read and get the goodness: 5 simplicity DIYs (you've been too scared to try) Our relationship to our stuff (including our money, possessions and time) is indicative of what we value. There's little room for the ABCs of living fully (paying attention / breaking free / celebrating what is) with your disabilities (or someone else's) if...
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