“The Conditions Are Always Impossible.”

Have you ever had the experience of reading a quote that just gets under your skin and will not leave you alone? Ever read a few words and had that shivery feeling of truth spoken directly to your spirit? This is the Doris Lessing quote that’s been following me around lately: “Whatever you’re meant to do, do it now. The conditions are always impossible.” Amen to that, right? That quote has helped me so much. Since I read it, I stopped procrastinating and started writing my next book. Now, I had all kinds of reasons why the conditions were “impossible”...
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How Do I Stand Strong In My Decisions? (Ask Caroline Video)

“How can I have more confidence in my decision making, whether big or small? What are quick strategies to stop second guessing decisions? How to stop getting stuck and stand strong in my decisions?” Those are your words from The Confidence Course survey. In this video, I help you to identify and question the beliefs that are preventing you from making a decision and sticking to it. …
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I Never Saw It Coming: A Story of Self-Forgiveness

Something miraculous happened to me recently. The other night, I was typing at my laptop, responding to emails, ordering gifts for friends, and ignoring the drifts of cat fur that grow larger by the day. Nearly a half an hour went by before I stood up and walked toward our kitchen. It was only then that I remembered: I’d left a pot of rice cooking on the stove. “Oh no!” I yelped. “I forgot about the rice! Shoot and sugar muffins!” (If you hang around me long enough, you’ll hear creative alternatives to swear words; it’s a holdover from growing...
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Get Out of the Overwhelm Today (Ask Caroline Video)

“I’m so behind … and I don’t have the time to complete it all. My inbox is FULL of unopened emails (which is anxiety provoking because I hate having unread emails! ??). I’m so overwhelmed now, that I don’t know where to begin!” That’s one of your questions from The Confidence Course survey; in this new “Ask Caroline” video series, I coach on what matters most to you. In this video, I take you through a step by step process to help you get out of the overwhelm today. …
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Embarrassing Secrets of a Recovering Perfectionist

During my first month as a freshman at Vassar College, one of my hallmates caught me folding my dirty laundry. Yes, you read that right – I folded my dirty laundry before placing it in the collapsible navy-blue mesh hamper at the foot of my bed. It was a nervous habit that gave me a sense of control in an unfamiliar place. Of course I didn’t want anyone to know about my odd practice, so I flushed with embarrassment when my hallmate said, “Caroline, did you seriously just fold those pajamas before putting them into your hamper?” My hallmate’s tone...
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From Ugly Cry To Deeper Why (Vulnerable Video)

Ever have one of those days when you feel like a total failure at life? Ever get so down and discouraged that you’re tempted to give up on your goals and dreams? Me too. But fortunately, that’s not the end of the story. …
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6 Ways to Get Rid of Perfectionism Even When Excuses Abound

“How did you start to get rid of perfectionism and make the steps to become an author? How did you transition from living your “past life” to the life you have now?” Here’s what I know: Perfectionism is fancied-up fear. To paraphrase Liz Gilbert in Big Magic, it’s fear in a fur coat. Perfectionism may seem classy and high-functioning, but deep down it’s just you being afraid. How to overcome fear in four words? Ground yourself in love. That’s the larger principle, but what does it look like to LIVE that truth, day in and day out? Here are a...
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You Don’t Have to Be Afraid: Overcoming Perfectionism on Poema

“The irony of overcoming perfectionism is that it’s like playing a video game where you have plenty of lives left, but you’re so scared of getting hurt by anything. And it’s like, ‘Dude, it’s okay! The game has more lives for you!'” This is a quote from my recent guest appearance on James Prescott’s Poema Podcast. I’m not sure why I started speaking like a California surfer – dude! – but I’m so glad to share the recording with you today. …
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Defeat Self-Doubt, Trade Perfectionism for Possibility, and Live Your Dreams

When we were younger, we really felt it, didn’t we? And by “it”, of course, I mean life. Once upon a time, we had big feelings about everything from our birthdays to our breakfast cereals. We felt intensely; we threw our whole hearts into songs, books, and best friendships. I’m not saying that living this way was easy. There were tears and temper tantrums; there were moments when our bodies could barely hold the force of our emotions. It was hard, but it was real, no-holds-barred living. …
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When You’re Scared to Try, Remember This

Have you ever felt the desire to take a shot at something new – a job, a relationship, a dream – but then automatically shut yourself down? Ever told yourself, I’m not good enough or It’s too hard; I’ll never figure it out, so why bother…? If you’re scared to try, then I have a video story just for you. …
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